
Sunday, October 7, 2012


swimming is never a let down.

the haze of fyp/google docs

seductive warmth of sleep: heavy silk, dark innocence, terrible vulnerability, hot dampness
my skin cooled by the room on yours from a world you have yet emerged from, somewhere that belongs to only you alone

the dining room amplified in height and size by emptiness, cutlery laying cold on tables, dearth of chatter, painstakingly arranged food awaiting the bin

dating cold comfort in a deep blue pool

a sweet drop by from a treasured friend, who reminds me strongly about both how life used to be and how life is now

i am a plant

this week there were two driving lessons from my dad, albeit thus far a tipsy dad, who has driving in his blood now

sometimes the best time spent with parents are in the car; from early morning rides in the past with comfortable silences or quick catchups with my mum as she unloads days of news and feelings. there is something about sitting together in a rolling motorized structure that make for good, short conversations
the acceptance that things are the way they are: we are travelling to somewhere together, we are going to be together for this amount of time
in this suspension of tasks and tobedones and todos and dos, suspension of attribution to this time, suspension of social roles and behaviour
the flow is organic

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